Give thanks to the LORD for he is good; his love endures forever. 1 Chronicles 16:34

Have you ever had a moment when you were so overwhelmed with love or gratitude that it just poured out of you? Today’s passages are like that. Everywhere we turn King David is overflowing with adoration for God.

To overflow means to extend beyond limits; to be abundant or to be more than enough; much like a rain gutter overflows in spring to revive the winter-weary earth.  

Revival and overflow often go hand in hand. As our love for God is revived and ignited it pours out onto others around us. We see that with King David.

I am certain there were those who questioned David.  I can hear the whispers now… “This is so expensive and a waste of resources. Doesn’t a king have more important things to do? He wants to build WHAT for the Ark of the Covenant?”

To others, love, adoration, and worship might look like foolishness. We know the truth. Adoring God is never a waste of time.

Questions for reflection:

  • What about you? What about me? What is our posture toward God today? Can we be like David, making worship and praise a priority? If we aren’t there, can we at least want to want to praise? Are we willing to tap into the overflow of God’s goodness?
  • Sometimes we don’t even know where to start, so let’s take a cue from an earthly king and write a psalm. (Don’t be intimidated, it’s just an opportunity to get honest with God)
    Invite Holy Spirit to come and help you. Sit in a comfortable position and begin to write down thoughts of gratitude, love, and thankfulness toward God.
    Don’t edit, just write.
    Out of the overflow of your heart, express to God who he is to you and what his love and mercy mean to your life. Then, simply thank him. It doesn’t have to be complicated, just honest.
  • Have you listened to the Hope Worship song Overflow? It is an outpouring of worship, love, and honesty. If you haven’t listened to it lately, I encourage you to do so. Maybe even on repeat.

Let’s pray. Gracious and loving God, please forgive me for any time I have been ungrateful for all you have provided. I come before you today with gratitude for ___________.  I want to live in your overflow of love, joy, and peace. Father, please help me to turn my gaze toward your goodness, mercy, and love. Give me a heart like King David. Help me to see the overflow you bring to my life. AMEN