Joseph had a dream, and when he told it to his brothers, they hated him all the more.” Genesis 37:5

Dreams—we all have them and sometimes we hold them within us, afraid to share them with others. 

We fear we can’t make it happen, that others will judge us, look at us sideways, or tell us it’s impossible. To an extent, we all seek approval and love; no one wants to receive hate from those who are supposed to love us. Joseph received hate from those who weren’t just supposed to love him, but also from those who were supposed to protect him.

Are you feeling like the dream God has placed within you is never going to happen, or you couldn’t possibly endure another trial while you are waiting? Do you feel like the gifts placed within you are worthless and couldn’t be used?

Joseph’s brothers tried to kill him and sold him into slavery. He endured prison after being wrongfully accused and was forgotten until someone remembered his gift. Joseph’s gift wasn’t just for him; it didn’t just bring him freedom, it brought freedom to others too.

Joseph’s dream is a foretelling of the innocent child who would be placed on this earth and endure suffering, injustice, and hate from those who didn’t understand the prophecy that he had come to fulfill.

The world, your family or friends may not understand the gifts or dreams that have been placed inside of you, but the one who created you knows exactly why he placed them there. He knows exactly when they will be used, and at the right time, he will release you to move forward in his timing for his glory.

Questions for reflection:

  1. What dreams or talents has God placed inside you to use for his glory?
  2. Who could God want you to impact by moving forward with your gifts?