Wednesday, June 28, 2023 – 1 Corinthians 3

Churches that multiply in love, growth, and impact are built on the foundation of the Gospel. The same goes for individual believers. On the other hand, churches and individuals that build their foundation on anything other than Jesus with eventually divide.

Instead of the Church, it becomes the Christians who vote like this or that, the Christians who worship like this or that, the Christians who follow this or that leader, the Christians who agree or disagree about this and that issue. When we divide into parties and make that part our foundation, we lose. And as the old saying goes, united we stand, and divided we fall.

Paul reminds the Corinthians that we all have a part to play in the Body of Christ, an analogy he will use later in chapter 12. If an arm thinks it is the whole picture, it will be a gruesome and useless sight. Ever heard of any churches like that? But if we humbly accept the role God calls us to play in the body, then we don’t worry about who is preaching and what faction we identify with, but the mission of the Kingdom of God.

But how do you know if you are building your foundation on Jesus when every Christian faction says they are doing that? Here are some ways to check yourself…

  • Do you spend more time thinking, talking, learning, and giving attention to Jesus or to bringing a Christian perspective to an issue you feel passionate about?
  • Do you spend more time and energy building bridges based on what you have in common in Jesus or trying to change what you don’t share in common?
  • Are you known for loving Jesus and loving others or for where you stand on things?

Paul built a foundation by sharing the Gospel. Others are building on it and he welcomed it! Now we can build on that as well by choosing multiplication over division.

Questions for reflection:

  1. What do you multiply in your life? What issues are you tempted to divide with others?
  2. Do you ever get in God’s way when he is doing something? How might you step into your role without overstepping?