God’s concern for the poor is revealed in almost every book of the Bible. Here Nehemiah insisted that fairness to the poor and oppressed was central to following God. He led by example rather than by the ways his predecessors did, because of his healthy fear of God.

Nehemiah told the rich Jews to stop charging interest on their loans to their needy brothers. God never intended people to profit from others’ misfortune. In contrast to the values of this world, God says that caring for one another is more important than personal gain. When a Christian brother or sister suffers, we all suffer. The Jerusalem church was praised for working together to eliminate poverty.

Recently a massive tornado tore through the town of Greenfield leaving mass destruction and fatalities. As Christ’s followers, we have an opportunity to share our time and resources with our less fortunate brothers and sisters who are suffering. How we help those in need should mirror God’s love and concern.

Nehemiah led the entire construction project rebuilding the wall, working alongside the others. He was not a bureaucrat in a well-guarded office but rather a leader who got involved in the day-to-day work. He did not use his position to lord it over his people. A good leader keeps in touch with the work to be done and the workers. Those who lead best lead by what they do as well as what they say.

Nehemiah did not have the full support of the people and when attacked personally, he refused to give in to fear and flee. Leaders are targets for attacks. We can pray for those in authority for God to give them strength to stand against attacks and temptation and for God-given courage to overcome fear.

We will always be surrounded by “Eeyores” who say the job is too big, or the problems too great. But God’s men and women, joined together for special tasks, can solve huge problems and accomplish great goals. Over the past 25 years that I have been at Hope, I have seen God show up in miraculous ways in the Body of Christ through Lutheran Church of Hope! We must continue to serve and take care of all that God has entrusted to us. With God’s help, it can be done!

Questions for reflection:

  1. What are some ways you can share God’s concern and care for the poor and oppressed?
  2. Are you a leader who leads by example – getting your hands dirty – serving alongside others?
  3. Pray for those in authority for God to give them strength and God-given courage to overcome fear.
  4. What are some ways you have seen God show up in miraculous ways in the Body of Christ through Lutheran Church of Hope?