Do you believe in miracles? The Bible revolves around miracles, from the beginning of creation to the coming of a new heaven and a new earth. Each new day gives us the miracle of life.

Three amazing women play a pivotal part in the miraculous story of God’s chosen people. The first is Sarah, wife of Abraham, who is supposed to be the mother of a great nation but her biological clock has long since run out. There is Hannah, who was destined to be the mother of a pivotal person in history, Samuel, but she cannot get pregnant. Then there is Mary, a young unmarried virgin who will become the mother of Jesus. How do these pregnancies happen? Do you believe in miracles?

The responses of all three women are given huge emphasis in the Bible. Sarah believes it is so preposterous that she could give birth at her advanced age that she laughs, a mixture of great joy and astonishment. Hannah delivers one of the most powerful prayers in the Bible in 1 Samuel 2. Mary gives the Magnificat, a prayer so revolutionary that it has often been banned in autocratic countries. None of these births would have happened without the divine intervention of God and the Holy Spirit.

1 Samuel 3 describes the time when Samuel was called by God to be a prophet. Three times he hears this call in the middle of the night, three times he thinks it is the priest calling. Finally, Eli tells Samuel when he hears the voice again he should reply, “Speak Lord, your servant hears.”

God still calls us today. Sometimes we hear that still small voice in the middle of the night. More often we hear that call in a sermon at Hope, or at Alpha or Celebrate Recovery or while serving others. For children and youth, that call often comes through VBS, PowerLife, or Ignition. One way we can be open to a call from God is to say with Samuel, “Speak Lord, your servant hears.” 

Miracles still happen. Listen for the call of God.

Questions for reflection:

  1. Tell about a time when you received a call from God.
  2. What miracle in the Bible has most impacted your life?
  3. Where at Lutheran Church of Hope do you most often hear a call from God?