Albert Einstein once said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

Judges 10-12 is yet another chunk of Scripture that shows how the Israelites continually turned away from God, engaging in idolatry and other sinful practices, which led to oppression and suffering at the hands of their enemies. In their distress, they would cry out to God for help, and he would raise up a judge to deliver them.


One of the key figures in these chapters is Jephthah, a mighty warrior and a leader of the Israelites. When the Ammonites threatened to attack Israel, Jephthah vowed to God that if he granted Jephthah victory in battle, whatever came out of the house to greet him would be the Lord’s. although he was probably hoping a rodent or at least the family pet would come out, it turned out to be his daughter and Jephthah was devastated by the consequences of his rash vow. (*note-he did not sacrifice his daughter but dedicated her to his service, which had ramifications for both her and him, so it was a sacrifice…but I digress).

This story is a powerful reminder of the importance of being careful with our words and promises to God. It also highlights the consequences of making hasty decisions without seeking God’s guidance and wisdom. Jephthah’s story reminds us that God desires obedience and faithful service from His children, rather than empty promises or sacrifices.

It echoes what the prophet Hosea said:
I want you to show love,
    not offer sacrifices.

I want you to know me
    more than I want burnt offerings.

Questions for reflection:

  • Do you find yourself having a conditional relationship with God?
  • Do you promise God things rather than relying on his promises for you?
  • How can you transform your thoughts and patterns to know God’s heart for you?