In our lifetime, we have talked about heaven, learned about heaven and heaven seems to be the thing that gives most people peace and comfort. We have learned that getting to heaven is more about faith than it is about works. We all pray and hope that someday we will be in heaven.

In this life on earth, we want to get right before our final days are upon us. We repent from our sins, seek forgiveness for harm we have done, and forgive others for harm they have done to us. We praise the Lord, worshiping with him on a daily basis, get into a relationship with him by praying and meditating and see his will for our lives.

While we are alive, we worship God with songs of praise, acknowledging that he is the Alpha and Omega, beginning and end, the one who has saved us with grace and mercy. Think about the times you have worshiped at church or at a Christian concert. All hearts and praise being in one with the Holy Spirit and the beauty and warmth you may have felt. Think about the extreme joy you may have felt and how it may have given you goosebumps.

Now, can you even get a grip of what it will be like when you are in the presence of the One Most High? When you are actually standing face to face and suddenly you realize you are in the presence of someone you have worshiped with your heart. Standing in a place where there is no more pain, no more suffering, and only worshiping…it seems to be so welcoming.

Many people I have spoken with about death and heaven have said one of two things to me. First, some don’t understand why we should be here if there is so much better. Well, God’s timing is what determines when we get to heaven. In the meantime, we praise him with all we have. We get a glimpse of what worshiping God in heaven will be when we are worshiping at church with thousands of believers. We share the Good News about him and lead others to him by sharing what he has done in our lives. We don’t make the schedule of when we get there….we can trust God in that. The second thing I hear is comments like, “What do you think it will be like?” For me, I am certain that the glory of God with me being able to be in his presence is going to eclipse all things in my mind. Standing in awe of the Creator, realizing this is where we are meant to be all along and knowing I am being met with more love than I can comprehend, that is what I am looking forward to.

I am not in a rush to get there. I am looking forward to each and every day here on earth, telling others about his grace, sharing about what he has done for me, worshiping him with my whole heart and living a life worthy of the glory to come. Yes, I am looking forward to all this life and the life everlasting has to offer.

Questions for reflection:

  1. What are your thoughts about heaven?
  2. How can you spread the everlasting love of Jesus Christ now?
  3. How can your life on earth reflect the love and beauty God has waiting for you in heaven?

Old Testament reading: Daniel 9