There is only one thing worth being concerned about.
Luke 10:42

I am a worrier.

For some crazy reason known only to God, my mind loves to come up with all sorts of ways my life and my plans can go awry.

I can’t be the only one.

Most of us manage to get stressed from time to time. We invest energy, time, and money to make sure we are ready for whatever happens.

We do so because we are not thrilled about the consequences. If we do not have the house spotless when the guests arrive, what will they think? If we do not get supper on the table ASAP, the natives are going to get very restless!

What a tizzy we can wind ourselves in.

This is exactly what Martha has done. She’s stressed because she knows people gotta eat, but Jesus is about to change her priorities.

You see, there are consequences (and opportunities for joy) that go far deeper than satisfying the appetite of someone’s stomach or opinion on hospitality. Jesus knows we have a hunger in our souls and the only way to resolve the issue is to be connected to our Creator in a deep and satisfying way.

“There is only one thing to be concerned about,” Jesus says. “Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her.” 

Let it be said about us as well.


  • What do you need more of these days? What does your soul long for?
  • What brings you stress? What tizzy are you wrapped in right now?
  • How does God’s love for you diffuse the impact of the pressures you face?