April 14, 2023 – John 6

The motto for anyone reading the Bible could be the disciples’ complaint in John 6:60, “This is very hard to understand. How can anyone accept it?”

Let’s just think through what we’ve read this week. Jesus as the Logos, the Word made flesh. Water changed into wine. Being born from above. Jesus knowing the Samaritan woman’s personal history. Worshiping in spirit and truth. Healing the official’s son. Healing a man who was lame. Jesus testifying in the Father’s name. Feeding more than 5,000 with five loaves of bread and two fish. Walking on water. Jesus as the Bread of Life. Jesus comes down from heaven. Eating someone’s body and drinking their blood.

And this is from just six chapters in one book!

Don’t forget the other miracles Jesus performed and the parables he taught. The people he forgave and the people he raised from the dead. Then there are the teachings in the rest of the New Testament about work, marriage, leadership, family life, church life, and the end of time.

There’s also the whole Old Testament with its talking snake and talking donkey. Wars to wipe out whole people groups. Prophets with visions of flaming chariots. The sun standing still. Rivers turned to blood and the sun blotted out. Waters parted to reveal dry land. Generalized dysfunctional families chosen by God.

And the biggest one of all, Jesus’ death on a cross and his resurrection three days later!

Yes, this book is hard to understand; it offers you a lifetime of study and discovery and head-scratching moments. But the one thing that’s not hard to understand – the Bible is God’s love letter to you! It’s a very simple story of the God who loved you so much he’s reached across both the cosmos and the centuries to invite you into a safe, loving, exciting relationship with him that lasts for all eternity!

Though the disciples may have not understood the finer points of theology, they came to understand God’s love through Jesus. And if they can, you can too!

Questions for reflection:

  1. Name one or two things that you find hard to understand about the Bible readings from this week.
  2. When you’ve faced something that is hard to understand, what do you usually do to break through into understanding? How can you use those same tools to understand the Bible more?