My husband and I recently had a conversation about a small group opportunity. When it came down to actually making a decision about going, we landed on that we just didn’t think we had the time. Can you relate? We both say small group connection is a priority, but I’m not sure our schedule would communicate the same thing.

Our time might be our most precious resource in a world characterized by “busy.” Everyone is “busy.” And, we all have the exact same 24 hours in a day. How will we use that time today? Is there built-in time for you to connect with God through prayer or Bible study – even for five minutes? Do you have a weekly rhythm of connecting to God and community at worship, or set aside time to meet in a smaller community, like a small group, on a regular basis?

Shortly after my conversation with my husband, I read a quote from author and speaker Stephen Covey – “Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least.” It was convicting! We had to shift our mindset and truly prioritize the things that matter most to us.

As you sit with this, I challenge you to distinguish between “busy” and “intentional.” Sure, your calendar and weekly schedule might have a lot of things that fill a lot of space. But when our mindset tells us we are “intentional” instead of “busy,” we are more cognitively aware that we are in charge of our schedule instead of our schedule being in charge of us.

When the author of Hebrews reminds us to show hospitality to strangers, it’s a beautiful reminder that in everything we do, we communicate something. Where we spend our time and resources communicates a lot about us. If you were to show last week’s calendar to a stranger, what might they notice as a priority in your life?

We never know who is watching, though we can be confident that every second counts and every moment matters. People are watching how you live your life and where your time and energy are going. Do they see Jesus?

Lord, I confess that I do not always prioritize the things that matter most over the things that matter least. Show me where I can grow, what I can change and how I can be more intentional with every moment you give me breath. You are the air in my lungs, the literal Spirit inside me. My time is yours. I surrender it back to you. Amen.