“If only I knew where to find God,
    I would go to his court.
I would lay out my case
    and present my arguments.
Then I would listen to his reply
    and understand what he says to me.”
Job 23:3-5

How fun was hide and seek? Someone would put their head on their arms and lean up against a tree or house and start counting. The rest of the group would then scatter like a huddle of mice in all directions trying to find the perfect hiding spot that was in an appropriate distance to the time spent counting. While hiding you try to time your breathing to not be betrayed by just staying alive.

As the person searching, you walk around, looking for the faintest sign of life. A shoe, a noise, a bright shirt. Any sort of clue to lead you to finding what you are looking for. Sometimes life feels a little like hide and seek too. Wandering around looking for a sign of life and answers to the big questions that arise. Health problems, family issues, work conflicts, and financial woes can rear their ugly heads at times, and it is almost like hide and seek looking for the answers.

Here in Job 23, we see Job seeking to find answers. After horrible events in his life, Job is looking to present his case to God. Job is not the first person to want to plead with God. We read of Abraham pleading with God about Sodom (Genesis 18:25-32) and Moses pleading before God for the people of Israel (Exodus 32:12-13).

In Job 23:8-9 we see him wanting to present his case before God, but he is unable to find Him. Job feels lost and helpless. He feels alone and incomplete. Have you felt this way before? 

We all have. Not one of us can claim to have never felt lost or questioned. But here is the thing, God has not created us to live in this forever. Psalm 139:1 lays out just how much God knows about you and cares for you. “Oh LORD, you have examined my heart and know everything about me.” Even in our darkest moments, God is present. Even when things feel so dire that you just do not know what is next, God is there. The Creator of the Universe knows everything about you and is there to hear your cries of mercy.

Questions for reflection:

  • Were you a fast counter at tag? Be honest….
  • When was the last time you felt lost in life? How did God show up?
  • Psalm 139:7 says, “I can never escape from your Spirit! I can never get away from your presence!” How does this make you feel to know that you can never hide from God?