“King Herod was deeply disturbed when he heard this, as was everyone in Jerusalem. He called a meeting of leading priests and teachers of religious law and asked, “Where is the Messiah supposed to be born?”

The serene nativity scene we often associate with Christmas might mislead us to believe Jesus’ arrival was only a charming story. Angelic images, shepherds, and a humble manger paint a non-threatening picture in our minds, but it’s important to remember the baby in the manger came to dismantle and defeat the forces of evil.

When Herod heard about a new king in his land, he took extreme measures to protect his power and sought to eliminate the child who dared to pose a threat to his rule, making it clear that his authority should not be challenged.

Why did Herod act so horrifically crazy? Did he not realize it was just a baby?

Perhaps, Herod knew.

Somehow, Herod recognized the potential impact of Jesus, and he felt threatened, sensing the newborn king had power capable of transforming everything.

Jesus loves us, and that’s why he takes on evil, including the evil in our hearts. We must understand that Jesus calls us to a new way of life and insists that we let go of our selfish desires and realign our priorities to align with his good will.

Herod knew, and he was afraid. What about us? Will we trust Jesus’ love to bring us new life?

Questions for reflection:

  1. What motivated Herod to take extreme measures to eliminate Jesus?
  2. How does Jesus challenge your way of life?
  3. What does it mean to align our priorities with Jesus’ will? How can we do this?