Feb. 22, 2023 – Luke 2

Merry Christmas in February! The Christmas story from Luke Chapter 2 tells how Jesus, the King of kings and Lord of lords, came into our world. But it also helps us to see how we can recognize God’s movement in our personal world today.

In ancient times, royalty would be announced by a herald, who would travel ahead of the royal caravan shouting something like “Hear ye! Hear ye! The royal “So-and-so” is set to arrive soon!” This messenger prepared the town to receive the dignitary when they arrived. There might be trumpets, gifts, and other pomp and circumstance depending on how big of a deal this person was.

Luke tells us of multiple “heralds” when Jesus came into the world. There were angels, who are heavenly heralds, who appeared to the shepherds. This is why we sing “Hark the herald angels sing…” at Christmas time. We also see Simeon, who was eagerly and expectantly waiting to see God’s Messiah before he died. With zero knowledge of Mary, Joseph, or Jesus, God told Simeon who Jesus was and Simeon proclaimed the arrival of the Messiah at the Temple! It was confirmed by another prophet, Anna, who had also been eagerly and expectantly waiting for God to send the Savior.

If you want to see how God shows up in your world, I want to encourage you to 1.) Wait for God to move in your life with great eagerness and expectation, and 2.) “Hark the herald.” In other words, open your ears “to listen” to the proclamation of the Good News that your Savior is coming for you! Pick up the Whole Holy Bible reading plan or pick it back up and “hark.” Come to God’s house to “hark” when God’s Word is preached. When you pray, don’t just talk at God, but “hark” and see what the Holy Spirit might have to tell you! The more you hark the herald of God’s Good News, the more you will find yourself to be expectantly waiting for your King’s arrival! When he shows up in the presence and movement of the Holy Spirit or when someday he finally returns to set all things right, you won’t miss it and you’ll be ready for a royal party!

Questions for reflection:

  1. How can you “hark” or listen to the Good News about God’s love today?
  2. What does eagerly and expectantly waiting for Jesus to show up in your world look like for you?