Happy birthday, Hope!

It’s incredible to look back and consider all the ways Hope has changed in its 30 years, but maybe what’s even more incredible are the things that haven’t changed:

God’s word is preached thoughtfully and with care and integrity.

People, maybe you’re one of them, have encountered the living God and have had life-changing experiences.

The mission of Hope – to reach out to the world around us and share the everlasting love of Jesus Christ – is as important today as it was on the day it was written.

It’s no accident that these things are true, and it’s not because of anything necessarily special about Hope (although Hope is pretty special!), but these things are true because of the God we serve and love. God is a God of faithfulness, a God of hope from generation to generation. When Jesus declared to Peter that Jesus would build the church upon the rock and all the powers of hell would not be ale to stand against it, it had little to do with Peter and everything to do with Jesus. Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God, would do the work. Peter’s job was to never forget who Jesus is and the call Jesus had put on his life. Peter would do what he was called to do, and Jesus would build the church.

Hope is not a perfect church. I know that because I’m a part of it, and you’re a part of it, and neither of us is perfect! Praise God that Jesus is the foundation and our call is simply to be faithful. To keep doing the things that matter and to look to the next 30 years with hope and excitement and a faith that Jesus will build his church, and we are invited to bring our best and be a part of it!


Each day will feature a prayer opportunity, and today is simply an opportunity to thank God for the blessings he has given you. I’ve heard the question asked, What if you woke up tomorrow with only the things you thanked God for yesterday? I encourage you to take some time thanking God for all the things you may sometimes take for granted. Be reminded of his care and provision for you and ask God to help you remember this moment of gratitude the next time you are feeling like he is absent.