April 6, 2023 – Luke 23:26-56

There was a time on earth when evil thought it had won.

And by all outward appearances, it had. Even those who had believed Jesus was the Messiah could not escape the reality that the one who had cast out demons, healed all manner of diseases, calmed the storm, and even raised others from the dead – had not done the same for himself. Life had left his body and as he gave his spirit back to God, the hopes of all the believers went with it.

I want to skip to tomorrow’s reading and be assured.

But we need to place ourselves in the middle of this day. The day the sky darkened at noon. The day the temple curtain was ripped in half. The day that the powers of hell celebrated and hope appeared lost. We need to do this because if we are ever tempted to believe that our suffering is too great, or the battle we face is too big, or that sin is not as destructive as the Bible says it is – placing ourselves in the middle of this day forces us to recognize what darkness really is.

Because of this day, we know that nothing can separate us from God’s love. Whatever you face, you have the option to face it knowing that the Spirit of God is alive and well in you and that in Jesus, nothing that could be formed against you will be allowed to stand. No matter how dark or frightening your circumstances may be, you can know there was a day when hope appeared to be lost for good.

Hang on. Sunday is coming.

Questions for reflection:

  1. Today I encourage you to simply sit quietly for a few moments. If your mind starts to wander, take a look at your hands and consider the nails that held Jesus to the cross; and thank him for taking your death.
  2. Consider doing some extra reading today. Isaiah 53 or Philippians 2:3-11