The Gospels are so beautiful in that we get to read about Jesus performing miracles. Just recently, though, I was reading about some of Jesus’ miracles and I realized two things:
First, after reading the text several times, it started to have less of an impact on me. It was time to reframe my thinking! I had to stop reading the Bible like it was no big deal and remember how incredibly significant it was that Jesus took time out of his life and important purpose here on earth to perform miracles for us to read about today.
Second, I was reminded how incredibly blessed we are at Hope to get to see miracles all the time! Our Prayer Team hears regularly of individuals being healed, set free, and transformed by God through prayer. It is no small thing to get to be a part of Hope and witness God’s goodness all the time. Sometimes, we must stop and remember how lucky we are that this is where God has placed us.
In the healing story in Mark 8, we see something a bit different than in the rest of the Gospels—the healing of the blind man is gradual. Can you relate? Of course, it’s wonderful and thrilling when someone is healed instantly in the name of Jesus, but sometimes God has a different plan. More often than not, we experience gradual healing with God.
I have spent the past several years healing with God. Through classes at Hope, counseling, meaningful friendships, and time with God, I have gradually healed from past hurts and hangups. Throughout my journey, one thing has been very clear: The most healing place is in his presence.
Whether you’re taking Alpha, having coffee with a close friend, worshiping, or driving to work, you can be healed just by spending time with the Father. He wants healing and restoration for you.
It hasn’t been instant for me. It has taken work and dedicated time, but I know God has been with me every step of my healing journey, and I know he will be with you through yours as well.
- Have you experienced healing from God? How can you share that testimony with someone today?
- Is there something you would like God to heal for you? How can you go about a healing journey with him?
- Looking for extra support on your journey? Take a look at the many different support groups at Hope and how prayer can help.