In reading the Psalms, have you noticed that one-third of the Psalms are what we might call “praise” Psalms and two-thirds of the Psalms are what we might call “laments” or “complaints before God?” God wants us to have an honest faith and he even gives us the script in the Psalms.

God is good. He loves us, is with us, knows what we’re going through; he cares; he understands and identifies with us; and he has a good plan for our lives. He shares our sorrows and knows our pain and knows the injustices of living on a broken planet. Even Jesus knows what it means to feel “forsaken” as he cried out to his Heavenly Father on the cross on Good Friday, saying, “Father, why have you forsaken me?” But we know the story doesn’t end there. Three days later, he conquered sin, death, and the power of the grave.

Depression is one of the most common emotional ailments and as Christians, we are not immune to depression. In addition to medical and psychological help for depression, another antidote is to meditate on the record of God’s goodness and faithfulness to his people. This will take your mind off the present situation as you focus your thoughts on God’s ability to help you rather than on your inability to help yourself. Read the Bible’s accounts of God’s goodness and faithfulness and meditate on them. Praise music also helps elevate our thoughts to God. In the face of discouragement, our only hope is in God. Only God is trustworthy. He will never let you down. He alone is the only perfect parent who will never leave or abandon you – who loves you unconditionally. That’s an eternal security you can build your life on.

The psalmist asked God to send his light and truth to guide him to the holy mountain, the Temple where he would meet God. God’s truth provides the right path to follow, and God’s light provides the clear vision to follow it. If you feel surrounded by darkness and uncertainty, follow God’s light and truth. He will guide you.

When it seems that God has let you down, don’t despair. Instead, remember God’s past deliverance and be confident that he will restore you. Remember that nothing can separate us from God’s love, not even death. Sometimes God allows suffering in our lives and even the death of loved ones, so that we might see our need to trust in him and not in ourselves, but in God who can raise the dead!

You may feel powerless and hopeless like you can’t do anything to change your situation on your own. Don’t be discouraged. Don’t give up. Instead, look up! Turn to prayer – and then trust God’s response. If it seems like God isn’t answering your prayers, remember that God is in control and you’re not. He knows your needs better than you do. There is no mountain so tall that he can’t move it. There is no problem so big that he can’t solve it. There is no sorrow so deep he cannot soothe it. God will honor your patience as you await his answer, if not in this world, then in eternity.

Questions for reflection:

  1. In whom or what am I putting my trust besides God?
  2. Who or what do I turn to when I am discouraged or depressed?
  3. Do I have an “honest faith” with God to share my laments as well as my praises?