It has been said, what you think of God is the most important thing you will ever think. So, I have a question for you. What words come to mind when you think of God?  

In Genesis 14 God calls himself, “Most High” (El Elyon). In Genesis 17 he calls himself “God Almighty” (El Shaddai). Most of us are confident in those names. However, in Genesis 16 God reveals another side of himself to a slave woman who finds herself pregnant and unprotected.

Alone, powerless, and reeling in fear, Hagar encounters God. As he meets her, he shares a new revelation of himself, and Hagar calls out “You are a God who sees me” (El Roi).

What does it mean that God sees?

If you think God is only interested in seeing and proclaiming judgment on the earth, then Hagar’s revelation may not bring you comfort. However, if you believe God is loving, compassionate, merciful, and the God of justice, Hagar’s words may be just what you need today.

Soak that in for a second. YWHW is the God who sees. You. (If you want, say it out loud and let it permeate further.) When we feel invisible and forgotten, we can know that God sees us. He sees the circumstances in and outside of our control. He knows the decisions we are presented with. He witnesses our struggles, and he comes alongside us. He meets us. Thanks be to God… the one who sees.

Almighty, gracious, and seeing God,
I give you thanks and praise for Your faithfulness.
I stand on the truth of you being who you say you are.
Help me to believe that today.
LORD, thank you for seeing me.
Thank you for seeing all the circumstances in my life.
I invite your Holy presence into all those circumstances.

Questions for reflection:

  • When was a time big or small when you felt God being the “God that sees” in your life or in the lives of others? If you are having trouble recalling, ask the Holy Spirit to bring something to mind.
  • Set a timer for one minute and praise God for being El Roi – the God who sees all that goes on in your life. Invite him to reveal himself to you more today, then look for his fingerprints and listen for his voice.