Do you know how much God loves you? Do you have any idea how much he longs to have a relationship with you? God is so interested in having a relationship with you that he would do anything he can to know you. I mean really know you. He is intentional and in the details for you. The question is, what would you do to know him?

In reading through these Bible passages, I recognized just how detailed the instructions were that God gave in building the altar, the tabernacle, the courtyard, and the lampstands. It made me consider just how intentional God is in his ways. At first glance, it wasn’t clear why things had to be so very precise. We don’t always understand just what God is up to and why he does things that might not make sense to us. And that is where our faith comes in. Our faith in God should lead us to not question God, but instead to be obedient to God.

In so many places in the Bible, there are paths of reconciliation to God, created by God. In the New Testament, the path is through Jesus Christ. There are commandments to be followed and Christ-like behavior we should adhere to. But we all fall short.

I don’t know what your story is, but I know thousands of people who have found their path of redemption and reconciliation with God for things that they have done.  Bringing their sins to God and allowing him to wash us clean is the way to a new life – a new life that glorifies God and shows the world just how God can save us. It’s a new life that has a relationship with God.

The way of reconciliation isn’t always easy and it isn’t always the path we would choose. There may be details we don’t understand. However, if we lead our lives with obedience, faith and understanding that God has our best interest in mind, we can feel confident that our best is yet to come. God is in the details, and he is in the redemption business. Keep the faith that God is for you, working in you and through you every day.

Questions for reflection:

  1. Where is your faith these days? Do you believe God is in the details of your life and why?
  2. Do you make your life a living sacrifice to God? When you fall short (we all do) how do you bring this to God?
  3. How do you shine your light to others and assure them that God is with them, for them, and wants a relationship with them?