Thursday, March 2, 2023 – Luke 6:17-49

Luke 6:35 begins, “Love your enemies! Do good to them. Lend to them without expecting to be repaid. Then your reward from heaven will be very great, and you will truly be acting as children of the Most High…” Jesus tells us that there is a gift for those who lend without expecting to be repaid or expecting anything in return for their work. This simple act of giving reminds me of the Souper Bowl at Hope which happened just a few weeks ago.

Throughout the Super Bowl weekend, Lutheran Church of Hope collected thousands of canned goods to fill the shelves of 118 different organizations. Come Monday morning after the Super Bowl, the Atrium at the Hope West Des Moines campus was full of canned goods, peanut butter, toilet paper, and things that I take for granted every day.

When people brought in their donations throughout the weekend, they did not wait for someone to notice them or to have their picture taken with their donation. They brought it in and then went to worship the Lord at a service. This is what I believe this verse is teaching us.

Jesus calls us to give without hesitation and to worship him as we do it. Whether we do this as a church, or in our own individual life, we are living out the calling God has placed on our hearts to love and care for others and to take care of others whom he calls his children. Verse 6:36 says, “You must be compassionate, just as your Father is compassionate.” When we answer God’s call to be compassionate with giving and worship, we are reflecting God’s love into this world.

Questions for reflection:

  1. Have you ever given something and looked for recognition or to receive something in return? If you did not receive anything in return, how did you feel?
  2. What are ways you can find freedom in the things you give (money, time, attention, physical goods) so you can worship as you give?