March 22, 2023 –  Luke 17:1-19

Here we are in the season of Lent. Many people give up something in order to deepen their walk with Jesus during this season. We know that the sacrifice we are making is minimal to the sacrifice Jesus made for us. It is a time of repentance of our sinful nature, seeking a deeper faith that Jesus will carry us through any temptation that would have us to fail at our attempt of sacrifice and walk with Jesus.

In my life, I have given up many things. Most of the things I gave up, I had to give up or suffer the consequences. Some of the consequences were legal battles. Some were financial. Some were health consequences. It seems that I have been successful at giving up things that would lead to consequences of this world.

But what about giving something up because you have been called by God to give it up? You don’t really have a person holding you accountable. In fact, you might have people tempting you to participate in that thing God has called you to give up. Temptation is real. People are human. But the power of God is holy and stronger than any temptation you could ever face.

We must forgive people for tempting us. We must call on the Holy Spirit to protect us. We must practice our faith and believe that Jesus is Lord and will always show us a way to resist the temptations in our life. There is nothing more powerful, more holy, more fulfilling than placing our faith and thanksgiving where it is most due. In the Lord. The Holy Spirit is alive in you and will help you face whatever you need help with. Call upon that Spirit and thank God for always knowing exactly what you need. He sees you. He knows you. He loves you enough to change you from the inside out.

Questions for reflection:

  1. Have you ever given something up, just to have people try to talk you into participating in that thing? What did you give up and how did you handle the temptation?
  2. If you have ever been called by God to give something up, gave it up, and then went back to participating in that thing again, how did that make you feel?
  3. Have you ever had to forgive someone who led you astray or mislead you? If you haven’t forgiven them, what is stopping you?