Thursday, June 15, 2023 – Romans 11:1-12 

I love all kinds of music. My playlists are an eclectic arrangement of genres and styles. And I especially love going to live concerts. There is something about being in the room that changes everything. And the two best concerts I have ever seen – unlike what my playlists would suggest – are by the same artist, Garth Brooks. 

Both concerts were very different experiences. See, Garth does this thing where he wants everyone to pay a reasonable price regardless of where they sit. When I saw him in 1997, I just had to pick up a wristband with a number on it from a ticket location. I then returned the day the tickets went on sale, and they drew a number. We lined up in the order of the numbers following the one that was drawn. And my number was actually the one drawn. I was first in line! And I paid $20 for my seat (the same as the person in the top of the balcony). Then, in 2016, I saw him again in Des Moines from the rafters for $70, the same as people in the front row.  

I did nothing special to get into the building in either case. I didn’t have to pay a crazy price. And I had the most amazing time at both shows. And this is just a tiny glimpse of what God has for you and for me. God has a gift of grace for each of us that requires nothing of us but to receive it. We don’t have to pay for it, work for it, and we definitely don’t have to do anything to deserve it. And through that free gift of grace, we’re in! We’ve got free tickets to the show! A show that won’t last a few hours but will last an eternity – one filled with greater joy than we can possibly imagine. 

And lest we start to think it has something to do with us, Paul makes sure to point out that God’s kindness and grace have zilch to do with our good works. “For in that case, God’s grace would not be what it really is – free and undeserved” (11:6). Rather, it is a gift from God, as Paul will remind us in his letter to the Ephesians that we will study in August, “God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this: it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it” (Ephesians 2:8-9). 

I can’t wait to see you at God’s show! Because no matter where you are inside, it’s going to be the best seat in the house. Even better, the tickets are absolutely free for all who believe in Jesus! 

Questions for reflection: 

  1. When you consider that God’s grace is a gift for you that is completely “free and undeserved,” how does that impact how you will go about your day today? For example, what can you do to more intentionally be with God than to do things for God? 
  2. Who in your life needs to hear about this free gift of grace? Will you make plans to let them know how the gift has impacted you?