One of the fun quirks in my home is that there are three electrical outlets that are not controlled by the fact that sending electricity to whatever is plugged into them is their only job. Instead, for reasons I cannot fathom, they are controlled by light switches at varying distances from the outlet. What this means is that sometimes, one may plug in one’s phone to have it charge overnight only to wake up the next day to a dead phone, plugged securely into an outlet whose controlling switch is turned off. Bless.

When the switch is turned on, the item plugged in can still be turned either on or off. But as long as that switch is down, ‘off’ is the only option. The analogy is, embracing Holy Spirit’s work in our life is the light switch. As long as we reject what the Spirit is up to, that switch is turned off, and we will never be able to live for God. Holy Spirit is still moving and active, but we won’t be able to experience the full potential of what the Spirit wants to do in our lives. We won’t be able to get to the point where we look at the list of what our sinful nature produces, compare it to the list of what Spirit life produces, and decide that no matter how attractive living for ourselves is – living by the Spirit is better.

Saying yes to Holy Spirit’s work in our lives doesn’t mean we are going to live perfectly. It just means that we now have the option to live in a way that honors God and honors our humanity. It means that the good gifts of love, joy, peace, patience, and the rest are completely available for us to enjoy and share.

For reflection:

  1. Take a moment in prayer and recommit your life to God; assuming that’s what you want.
  2. If you have time, read Galatians 5:13-26 from The Message, paying attention to life in the Spirit vs. life lived for ourselves. Spend time asking God to show you where he wants to draw you deeper into Spirit-led life.