Psalms 84-87 are a beautiful collection of hymns that express deep longing, trust, and praise for God’s presence and protection. These Psalms guide us to seek refuge in God and recognize his power and love in our lives. 

Psalm 84 is a song of longing for experiencing the presence of God. The psalmist expresses an intense desire to be in God’s house, highlighting the joy and blessing of dwelling with him. This longing reflects a heart that finds true satisfaction and peace only in God’s presence. The psalmist also acknowledges that even a humble position in God’s house is far better than any worldly pleasure. 

Psalm 85 is a prayer for restoration and revival. The psalmist recalls God’s past mercies and seeks his continued favor and forgiveness. The verses speak of God’s unfailing love and faithfulness, and the beautiful harmony between righteousness and peace that his presence brings. 

Psalm 86 is a heartfelt prayer for help and guidance. The psalmist acknowledges God’s goodness, love, and forgiveness, and seeks his guidance and strength. This psalm emphasizes total reliance on God and the desire for an undivided heart devoted to him. 

Psalm 87 celebrates Zion, the city of God, as a place of special significance and blessing. The psalmist speaks of the honor and joy of being associated with Zion, and the recognition that comes from being a citizen of God’s city. 

As we can see, Psalms 84-87 invite us to find our joy, strength, and identity in God’s presence. They encourage us to seek him earnestly, trust in his faithfulness, and celebrate our place in his Kingdom. May these Psalms inspire us to draw closer to God and live with a renewed sense of his presence and purpose in our lives. 

Questions for reflection: 

  1. How is your longing for God’s presence these days? With busy routines and worldly distractions, remember that God can bring more joy and fulfillment than anything else in this world. Consider how you might grow in your desire to spend more time with God. 
  1. Pray for revival in our hearts and communities. 
  1. What does it mean to you that your true citizenship is in heaven as a child of God?