A car that won’t start. Water dripping from the ceiling. Creaky knees. All evidence that we live in a world that isn’t quite right. 

The prophet Zechariah was writing to the people in Jerusalem after the exile and things weren’t quite right for them either. They had returned to Jerusalem, but they were not ruling themselves. The king of Persia had allowed them to return and could un-allow it. The temple had been rebuilt but it was a far cry from Solomon’s original. God’s people were more vulnerable and exposed than ever. 

But God continues to make promises of restoration to his people. Zechariah 9:9 is the verse that prompted Jesus to send his disciples looking for a man with a donkey’s colt for him to ride into the city of Jerusalem in Matthew 21:1-3. Zechariah describes this king who will ride into Jerusalem—he will be righteous and victorious, yet he will be humble. He will not be like the shepherds in Zechariah 11:4-6, who are so self-serving they slaughter the sheep for their own financial gain. 

In the world we live in, where things are certainly not quite right, Jesus is our constant. He is our king, humble and gentle, and victorious over all the things that are too much for us. As we read Zechariah, we can find our own stories in the story of God’s people all these centuries later. We know that while they didn’t live to see the fulfillment of these prophecies, the fulfillment would come.  

As we wait for the day that Jesus returns to set things right completely, once and for all, we can be assured that patient waiting will turn to rejoicing and celebration. The righteous yet humble king will come and gather all of his people together, and all things will be exactly right. 

1. Spend a few moments thanking God for his faithfulness in your life. 
2. When you find yourself doubting God’s promises, what brings you back to his faithfulness?
3. As you close today, consider praying the Lord’s Prayer. As you pray, remember you are joining with God’s people throughout the centuries praying this same prayer. As you feel led, spend time exploring the petitions with God. Maybe you’ll feel led to spend more time honoring God’s name, or maybe you’ll feel called to pray in specific ways for God’s will to be done. And if all you feel comfortable with is reciting the prayer as it is, that’s fine too.