I recently found myself with some extra time during my daughter’s swim practice and needed to pick a few things up at the store. I could drive a little way to a store I was familiar with, or I could run across the street to a big-box store I don’t shop at very often. I opted for convenience, and as I was walking through the parking lot and store, my initial reaction was: I don’t know these people.
Amos was a shepherd and prophet who brought a message to Israel at a time when they were enjoying peace and prosperity. Israel had grown complacent and was oppressing the poor and selling them into slavery. Amos’ message was that the people of Israel were once the oppressed in Egypt and they would soon find themselves in that situation again if they didn’t turn from their habits.
There are two primary takeaways for me from these initial chapters of Amos. First, a sinful practice can become a way of life. Ignoring or denying a problem will not help us. Second, we must not neglect the needs of those around us while we faithfully attend church and fulfill other obligations.
Lutheran Church of Hope recently completed its campaign Building Hope for Tomorrow. This project, when completed, will allow us to further carry out our mission. We are a mission church and called to help those around us by sharing the blessings we have received, including our time, talent, and treasure. The outreach center will be an amazing asset for the community, but building it is only the first step. It will need to be supplied and staffed, and that is where we can all contribute.
Questions for reflection:
1. Are you aware of and adequately expressing thanksgiving for all of your blessings?
2. Have you been looking for a way to get involved but haven’t found the right fit?