We love to say, “It is no accident you are here” around Hope. While it is welcoming and hospitable, that is not why we do it. We share this good news with people because it is both theologically profound (aka God says it is true!) and powerful. What does it mean that the Creator of the heavens and the earth has brought me to this place? 

Without using the same words, this is exactly what Mordecai told Esther in Esther 1-2. After the queen of Persia was exiled from her role, the king began to look for a new queen. God knew of a threat that was forming against his people, and so he placed Esther and Mordecai in a position to help save the Jews in the land. We see two important parts to this story: 

  1. Mordecai encourages Esther in her giftings and callings. 
  2. Esther listens to both God and Mordecai for wisdom. 

God had called Esther out from where she was and gave her a mission! The same is true with you and me. The Greek word for “the church” is ecclesia, which literally means “the called out ones.” God has placed us in places, communities, jobs, schools, and more so that we can live out his mission for our lives. So when we say, “It is no accident you are here,” we mean it! Although God’s call probably won’t be to become the queen of Persia or save millions of lives (but maybe!), his dreams and plans for our lives are so much bigger and better than we can imagine. 

Questions for reflection: 

  • Who are the “Mordecais” in our lives? People who can see what God is doing in and through us and then encourage us to live into our calling.
  • What does it mean to be “Called Out?” Where has God been nudging you to trust him more in your own life?