“Again I say, don’t get involved in foolish, ignorant arguments that only start fights. A servant of the Lord must not quarrel but must be kind to everyone, be able to teach, and be patient with difficult people.” 2 Timothy 23-24

Been in any dumb arguments lately? Or seen any in public or on TV or at work? You don’t have to look far, do you? I have even heard people say, “I love a good fight!” Why is that? Is it because we like to be right? Or even worse… we hate to be wrong.

Remember that Paul in this letter is coaching a young Timothy so that he can be a reliable witness for the Good News. Today’s passage begins with a caution to stay away from dangerous, sinful behavior because it could harm not only his soul but his effectiveness. Then we get this nugget of advice from verses 23-26.

First off, don’t get into foolish arguments. They don’t end well! Mostly because foolish arguments are never about finding common ground. Nope, they only seek to further divide and entrench people in their truth. And when eternity is at stake, that is supremely not helpful. Instead, BE KIND and be patient. Easier said than done, right? Especially with difficult people. The hope is that God will change their hearts, as only he can. When we do that, we are a reflection of the love of Christ! And that matters!

So, think about that this week when you are challenged by someone who doesn’t think the same way you do. Remember, you might be the only “Jesus” they will ever meet. So be patient and kind. Struggling with that? Pray for it…

Questions for reflection:

  1. Think about the last foolish argument you had. How did it end? Did it bring you closer to that person or did it leave a wound?
  2. Why is it so hard to be patient and kind with difficult people? Is there someone, perhaps even yourself, that you need to lift up in prayer right now? Pause and do so!