Meet Timothy, a young disciple, appointed by Paul to bring the good news to God’s people around the region of Eastern Turkey. Paul is writing him a letter of encouragement because not only is he young, but his faith is also new and on fire! Paul is concerned that Timothy might waiver in his faith due to worldly doubt and pressure.

Paul writes, “Hold on to the pattern of wholesome teaching you learned from me—a pattern shaped by the faith and love that you have in Christ Jesus.Through the power of the Holy Spirit who lives within us, carefully guard the precious truth that has been entrusted to you.”

These words jump out at me… Hold on! No matter where you might find yourself in your faith right now, the words “hold on” are so important. There is so much going on in our world right now that has the potential to shake not only someone young in their faith, but also seasoned Christ-followers. So, hold on! Paul reminds Timothy, and you, to hold on to the teaching that first ignited your faith because it is “precious truth.”

There is one more challenge as well… never be ashamed to tell others about our Lord (vs. 8). We are bearers of the Good News that has the power to transform lives and bring healing to the world. Sometimes it feels far easier to hold onto that Good News out of fear that it won’t be received well. But Paul’s encouragement is to not be ashamed of it, regardless of your circumstances. He was in prison at the time so he knew what hardship was.

Don’t be ashamed to bring the Good News to those around you, and HOLD ON because it will be a wonderfully crazy ride!

Questions for reflection:

  1. Have you felt timid about sharing your faith lately? Why?
  2. What do these words inspire in you regarding your mission as a Christian?