Have you ever felt like you were called into battle in your life? Maybe you have been faced with something so very big that you had no idea how you were going to get through it. Quite possibly you have felt so very alone and ill-equipped to handle whatever it is you are facing.

In this particular Bible reading, I have been reminded of many things. Joshua was a very faithful man. God not only told him what to do but also gave him the authority to do it. Joshua was in a relationship with God. He heard what God commanded him to do and he was obedient to do it. Joshua listened to the Lord and he was very confident in showing people that God was the one in charge. He did this by praying in front of the people-asking God to let the sun stand still and have the moon stay in place. Can you even imagine? We can’t imagine. We humans seem to need to be shown how big our God is. And Joshua had no problem in sharing what God had shared with him….that the Lord has given them victory and they never had to be afraid or discouraged.

What I have learned in my life is that when the Lord has called me to do something, he will go through it with me. He will carry me and I have no need to be worried or be afraid. I have learned that if God is for me, who can be against me? With God, I have victory over my enemies. I have the authority to call upon God and he is there. And, maybe one of the greatest things I have learned is that I can, and do, share with others what God has for them. He is love. He has direction. He has a purpose for you and he will not leave you. He wants to hear from you and he is listening.

So, I encourage you today, whatever you are facing, let the Lord lead you into that battle. Talk with him and listen to what he has for you. Pray to him and ask him to show you what you need. God is good. He is faithful and he will be with you now and always.

Questions for reflection:

  1. What battles do you feel God has called you into?
  2. What happens when you pray and ask God to be with you?
  3. What victories have you had with God in your life?
  4. When was the last time you shared the hope and power of God’s authority with someone, equipping them for their own battle?