How do you envision the end of the world?

Many Christians who read Revelation imagine it will be the mushroom cloud of nuclear war rising in the distance as Jesus leads the armies of heaven to battle the armies of Satan. Many who have this understanding are eager to join Jesus in the fight, sometimes even justifying violence to defeat evil in the meantime.

But let’s read the text closely. The armies of heaven are clothed in robes that are more suited for a celebration than a battle. The only weapon we see is wielded by Jesus alone, and it’s the Word of God, not some laser-guided missile. The Word of God was powerful enough to speak creation into being; it is more than powerful enough to punish those who continue to rebel against heaven!

And what do the armies of heaven do? Nothing! When God comes to judge, only Jesus carries out the task – angels and humans are not the instruments of God’s judgment.

For me, that’s a huge relief! I have a hard time judging what Christmas gifts will be loved or simply tolerated – I cannot imagine judging people who are also made in the image of God. I do not want that responsibility!

Thankfully, we know all of God’s judgments are faithful and true because Jesus is faithful and true, unlike the judgments of sinful human beings.

Too often, Christians are worried about Jesus’ return in his awesome power – Jesus as a baby in a manger is a little easier to swallow. But make no mistake, Jesus will fight and conquer all the forces of darkness!

The baby is a Warrior!

Questions for reflection

  1. How are the saints called to do battle in God’s name (Rev 19:14-15, 21)? What does this mean for Christians today?
  2. Are you more comfortable with the image of Jesus as a baby in a manger or with Jesus as a conquering warrior? Why?

Old Testament reading: Zephaniah 1-3