And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns. Philippians 1:6

Are we there yet? I can think of no more unappreciated question than that one when driving across the country with my children to visit their grandparents. It’s not the question itself that frustrates. It’s the repetition. There is something about us as humans, especially when we are younger, that struggles to receive what we long for on someone else’s timing. When we are honest, we also are able to admit we adults are no different.

What shifts in age is what we long for. I actually look forward to long car rides through the various landscapes of our beautiful country because it is a chance to rest. What I long for is exactly that. A week before the trip I’m asking is it Friday yet?

We long for all sorts of things including God’s help transforming us into who he has created us to be. The other day my son Gabe brought me the Bible and quizzed me on the Ten Commandments. After I struggled to get through them (Exodus, Numbers and Martin Luther needed to get together to create one numbering system!:), I asked him, why he thought God gave us these commands. He said something about the world having too many rules. I said something about having a clear answer to how we can best live. On our own, we tend to hurt each other. When we lean into God’s plan for the world, things make sense.

We need his direction and guidance. We also need His Holy Spirit to sustain us as we take the journey. We do not always know what, when, and where that journey may take us, but today’s reading reminds us God has not left us to our own devices. He is on the case and we have him in the seat next to us. With him on board, the last thing we need to do is constantly ask if we are there yet and he has help to give.

Questions for reflection: 

  1. Where do you need God’s help these days? Is there a commandment that is tripping you up? Is something else draining your batteries or stealing your joy?
  2. In what ways has God begun a “good work” in you? What do you think it looks like when he is actively at work in your life?
  3. Who do you know that needs to be encouraged by the fact that God won’t abandon them and will instead continue to guide, love and support them as they journey through this life?