May 19, 2023 – Acts 19:1-Acts 20:16

Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed? – Acts 19:2

The apostle Paul was asking a simple question. Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?

He was speaking with several new believers in the early church. They had received baptism by water from John the Baptist, yet they had still not received the power of the Holy Spirit.

So, the very same question is asked of you today… Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?

If so, have you opened this powerful gift of God and put it to use in your life?

Think of it this way, on your birthday, or maybe for Christmas, have you ever received a gift? If so, did you open it up? Or is it still sitting on a shelf somewhere nicely wrapped up with ribbons and bows?

Chances are, shortly after receiving your gift (maybe after waiting longer than you wanted) you OPENED the gift! The truth is, receiving a nicely wrapped package with your name on it is very nice. It feels good!

However, the idea of receiving a gift is more than just holding the nicely wrapped package in your hands. A gift is meant to be opened and then put to use!! An unwrapped gift is of little to no use! You can’t really wear those brand-new shoes without first taking them out of the box! A new phone isn’t that useful if it remains sealed up inside the package! Gifts are meant to be opened!

The same is true about receiving the Holy Spirit! It’s a gift! For you! And that’s incredible.

So, the question remains… Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?

Have you truly opened up this life-giving and eternal gift of God… allowing him to work in mighty ways in your life? How foolish it would be if the power of God were left unopened in your life.

Did you know…

The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. Romans 8:11

It’s true! The same exact Spirit of God who entered the tomb and breathed life back into the body of Jesus lives in YOU! Now that’s power!

So today, invite God all the way into your life. Take a moment to say this simple prayer and open up the gift!

Holy Spirit, fill my heart! Teach me and remind me of everything Jesus has said and done!

Now go, filled up with the power of God’s love in everything you do!