July 17, 2023 – 2 Corinthians 1:2-4

How many times have you reached for your ice cream, potatoes and gravy, or chocolate for comfort when you are feeling down? I know I have done that plenty. During COVID, so many took to the kitchen to create culinary delights to provide comfort in a season that was not comfortable at all. 

We often find ourselves looking for comfort in uncomfortable situations or seasons, don’t we? And more often than not, we turn to something that could potentially be self-destructive. The things of this world are not trustworthy to provide lasting comfort. They are a momentary pleasure that will fly by and leave you with the same, empty uncomfortable feeling. If we keep that pattern up, it could lead us to an addiction that could be devastating. 

What if we turned to the “food” that is our source of life? What if we turned to the Lord and his word to provide the comfort that nothing else can? You can trust God to nourish your soul and provide all the comfort you need…even in the most trying times. If we surrender our troubles to the Lord, he will provide comfort. And you know what one of the cool by-products is (besides peace, serenity, and a joy-filled heart) by letting God give us the comfort we need? We get to tell others, without hesitation, that God can comfort and will not let them down. 

So, help yourself to another portion of spiritual food that the Lord can provide you. Stay in God’s word and let your spirit be filled with all the comfort you need. 

Questions for reflection:

  • What things do you turn to for peace and comfort?
  • How hard is it for you to surrender situations to the Lord?
  • Has the Lord ever comforted you in times of trouble? How has he done that? What was the outcome?