A common question kids are asked is “What do you want to be when you grow up?” We know children and teens haven’t reached their full potential or maturity, so we seek to help them grow into adulthood. We make sure they have an education, good role models, and opportunities to explore and learn what it means to be a teacher or plumber or computer programmer or one of the thousands of careers that are available to them.

In our reading today, Paul tackles the question of what the community of Jesus followers should do to help new Christians grow into maturity. This is important because, like children and teens, young Christians are vulnerable to those who want to take advantage of them or exploit them financially or lead them into false teaching.

To guide new believers, God gave the Church several important positions that were crucial in growing Christians.

The first were the apostles, who were witnesses to Jesus’ resurrection. They were the first preachers in the Church and their witness is collected in the New Testament. The prophets spoke in God’s name to guide his people, especially before the New Testament was written.

Evangelists are called to share the good news of Jesus, the promised Messiah, and the Lord of all the universe. Pastors are tasked with caring for a group of believers, leading and guiding them in the ways of Jesus. And teachers are assigned to communicate God’s truth, so Christians develop their understanding of God and their relationship with him.

Taking these ministries together, Paul teaches that Christians mature in their faith as they hear the good news of Jesus, are cared for as they deepen their relationship with God and learn how to mirror the life and character of Jesus.

Christians turn the question around and ask, ”Who do you want to be like when you grow up?”  And the answer is “more and more like Jesus!”

Questions for reflection

  1. How mature in the Christian faith are you – just starting out, getting the hang of it, feeling more comfortable?
  2. What would help you continue to grow in your faith: sharing the good news of Jesus with someone you know, asking for someone to guide you in the ways of Jesus, or understanding more of God’s truth?
  3. Name a person in your life who is a mature Christian. Now ask them to coffee or lunch to discover what helped them grow in faith.