In Joshua 14, we find Joshua, the Elders of Israel, and Eleazar the priest allotting portions of the Promised Land to the Twelve Tribes. When they come to allotting the tribe of Judah its portion, Caleb asks for the hill country around modern-day Hebron.

The problem is, that portion of the Promised Land this will be some of the toughest ground to occupy. The current occupants, the Anakim, are brutal giants, descended from human and demonic offspring. Not only that, they live in large militarily fortified cities. And if that weren’t enough, Caleb and his troops will need to climb uphill to take the land, leaving the Anakim with the advantage. Furthermore, Caleb is 85 years old. And while he maintains he’s just as strong as ever, 85 is still 85! 

On the face of it, Caleb’s request is insane. Why request the nastiest piece of real estate in the entire Promised Land as your portion? What does Caleb know that we don’t? What does he have going for him?

What does he have? He’s got God’s promise! Forty years ago, Caleb, along with eleven other spies, were sent to scout out the land. Only he and Joshua came back trusting that God could give his people the land he had promised them. The rest of the spies, along with the people of Israel, wanted to turn back to Egypt. But because of Caleb’s faithfulness, God promised him this very piece of land. Caleb knew that God would be with him, and because God was faithful, Caleb and his people could handle anything the Anakim could throw at them!

Centuries later the apostle Paul wrote, “I can handle anything through Christ, who gives me strength.” (Philippians 4:13) Paul, who was in prison at the time, knew that in Christ, he could handle anything the Romans could throw at him, because God is faithful!

Questions for reflection:

  1. What or who are the giants in your life? Where are you facing an uphill battle? What challenges are you going through right now?
  2. How has God been faithful to you in the past?
  3. What does it look like to trust God with your present challenges?