May 3, 2023 – Acts 3:1-4:22 

I’m a rule follower. I’m an oldest child, and a type 9 on the Enneagram, a personality tool. I like to avoid conflict and color in the lines because that’s just easier! It drives my husband nuts – I’m always right. Why? Because I follow the rules. (Just kidding, I’m not always right, but he doesn’t know that!) We read now about Peter and John who heal the beggar who has been at the entrance of the temple for years. People are shocked and curious – how did Peter and John do this? That’s not really how the ‘rules’ work. So, Peter uses the opportunity to point people to Jesus. He explains the power of their faith – “Faith in Jesus’ name has healed him before your very eyes” (3:16). And faith, Jesus’ way, always beats worldly rules. 

But the rule-followers — the priests, Temple guard, and Sadducees — were ‘disturbed.’ So, they arrest Peter and John. Peter and John try to explain, and the rule-followers still aren’t on board, but release them to avoid political unrest. They’re still missing the point. The people who arguably know Scripture (Old Testament) better than anyone else are blinded by their own rules that they miss God showing up on earth (literally!). They’re the ones who crucified Jesus, and now they’re the ones persecuting the disciples who are doing great things! It seems so backward, and yet, we actually bump into this today more often than we might think.  

Questions for reflection: 

  1. Are there ‘rules’ you’ve learned, whether spoken or unspoken, that actually hinder God’s work in your life? Peter and John ask the council, “Do you want us to obey you rather than him?” (4:19). What might you be ‘obeying’ that could be pushing God right out of your story?  
  2. One of our core values at Hope is “We worship God, not tradition.” Are there traditions you can think of that might actually draw us away from the main point, rather than bring us closer to God?