April 11, 2023 – John 2

My husband and I consider ourselves oenophiles – lovers of wine. We enjoy tasting different wines and have laid down some lovely bottles in our wine cellar that we are saving for special occasions – birthdays, graduations, weddings, anniversaries. We look forward to sharing them over a delicious meal with the special people in our lives. Anticipating the future celebrations brings a smile to my face!

When I read the wine ran out at the wedding in Cana, I feel anxious; the last thing any host wants is for the food or wine to run out and I identify completely with that fear! Not only is it disappointing for the host and the newlyweds, in Jesus’ day, running out of wine is a horrible social faux pas that would be remembered for years. The newlyweds may even consider it a bad omen for their marriage!

But Jesus is in the transformation business!

Jesus transformed water into wine and failure into celebration. Jesus cared enough about the unnamed bride and groom to perform his first miracle so the party could go on. Don’t let anyone tell you Jesus didn’t like to have fun!

Note Mary’s role in this miracle. She told the servants to do whatever Jesus told them. Mary had been around Jesus enough to know that things change when he is present. When people are in need, Jesus comes alongside and often solves the problem in unexpected ways. The need is met, the party goes on, the wine is the best vintage ever.

And this is true for us today! When we invite Jesus into our lives and we do what he tells us, life changes! Chaos turns into order. Fear turns into courage. Doubt turns into faith. Grief turns into joy.

All because Jesus wants to transform sinners into children of God! And that’s better than the best glass of wine this side of heaven!

Questions for reflection

  1. What has changed in your life since you were introduced to Jesus?
  2. What would you like to change in your life? What direction from Jesus do you need to follow to make progress toward that today?