There is a very strong current that runs in our world, and it is that there is no such thing as evil. That the idea of evil and therefore sin, are constructs that were created to keep people from behaving badly. Therefore, if you believe that lying or stealing or even murder are wrong; it’s only because you’ve been taught to believe that. This might be one of the devil’s best tricks when you think about it. If there is no evil, then we can be as selfish as our hearts desire and call it good in our own eyes. And it turns out that maybe this isn’t an idea unique to the 21st century; because the Romans were doing a great job of exalting the evil among them and calling it good. 

The Roman Empire was corrupt to the core. Every serious scholar agrees that the first beast is the empire in general – where people are treated like animals generally and Christians are persecuted with depravity. Meanwhile, those in power, those responsible for enforcing the Roman code, celebrated how enlightened and wise they were. The second beast then, with the ‘number of a man’ 666, is almost certainly the emperor of the whole evil mess, Caesar Nero. Hebrew letters and numbers are the same, and his name spelled in Hebrew adds up to six-hundred and sixty-six. 

As I said yesterday, there is a force in this world that is interested in our destruction, and this force will move through any means it can to get its dragon claws into us. And all too often, human beings turn out to be willing, even eager, participants. We cannot be surprised, then, when people reveal that they prefer the darkness to the light; and we also shouldn’t be surprised when those living in darkness get mad when the lights get turned on. It hurts their eyes and it brings things out into the open that people would prefer stay hidden. But God will not be fooled, and the really good news is, that God will not allow this type of behavior that is anti-to-Christ to continue. Again, Jesus wins. The devil isn’t going quietly, but the war is won. 

Questions for reflection:

  1. How have you experienced this truth within yourself, that sometimes we prefer the darkness to the light? After you’ve identified some things, offer them up to God in confession. 
  2. If you have time, consider reading through Psalm 23. You can offer those petitions up to God in prayer or choose a verse or two to meditate on throughout the day. 

Old Testament reading: Amos 8-9