April 7, 2023 – Luke 24:1-35

I love a good suspense story with a plot twist. Not scary, but one where I can feel like I’m in a race with the characters to figure out what is going on. And when an author or character genuinely surprises me in a way that I didn’t see coming and is also believable for the character – well, I love that.

Jesus pulls off quite the surprise plot twist in rising from the dead. And if the disciples and others had known they were looking for a surprise, they might have remembered all the times that Jesus predicted his resurrection. But Scripture is pretty clear they didn’t remember that part; and everyone is caught off guard. From the women who visit the tomb, to the remaining eleven disciples, to the men who Jesus joins on the walk to Emmaus.

Yesterday we sat in darkness. Today we sit in optimistic confusion, with the spirit of God breathing over the embers of hope.

What I love about this passage of Luke is that people who were closest to Jesus struggled to comprehend what they were witnessing, which means they are just like us. Accepting that Jesus really did rise from the dead demands an entire paradigm shift. If God really did redeem his people; and if "God’s people" means everyone who believes… the world will never be the same. That’s a plot twist that works for us. And the good news about the Good News is, you don’t have to say you saw it coming; you don’t even have to say you understand it. All you need to do is believe it is for you and the whole world and let God’s redeeming love lead the way.

Questions for reflection:

  1. Of the people we read about today, who do you relate to the most?
  2. How has Jesus revealed himself to you?
  3. This Easter, know that Jesus' victory over death is your victory over death too. Spend a moment in prayer, thanking him for the gift of abundant, eternal life.