As we pick up today’s reading, all we know for sure is that the work of rebuilding the temple has been put on temporary pause. The Israelites who returned from exile in Babylon have been going about their daily lives, while work to rebuild the temple was forbidden under Artaxerxes. The end of Chapter 4 tells us it will resume under King Darius.

And that is exactly what happens. The prophets and leaders of the Israelites chose to begin the work once again when the province came under new leadership. These Persian leaders ask questions because asking questions is their job. Having an understanding of what is happening in their province and not wanting the king to be surprised by rebuilding the Israelite place of worship is simply wise. When King Darius gives permission, these same leaders do everything they can to make sure the work continues. In other words, they are doing their job well.

In Ezra 5 we see faithfulness abound – God’s faithfulness to his people in bringing them back to Jerusalem. The faithfulness of the prophets who encourage and lead the people to invest their time and resources in the rebuilding of the temple. And the faithfulness of King Darius’s governors, to secure the permission needed to ensure that the rebuilding is supported and even protected by the king. Let this be a source of encouragement for you today – that whatever you do in your daily life – it can be done for the glory of God. When we bring our best energy to whatever God has placed in our path, we are doing his work. As long as we are not outside of God’s boundaries and our work isn’t illegal or immoral it can be a part of bringing the kingdom of heaven to earth.

Questions for reflection:

  1. How have you brought glory to God in your day-to-day life? Are there aspects of what you do that might require you to take a second look, to see if it aligns with God’s heart?
  2. Take a moment to thank God for the opportunities he has brought you to bring glory to him in your work. If you’re comfortable, ask him to continue to show you how to serve him even more, right where you are.