Monday, Feb. 27, 2023 – Luke 5:1-26   

Have you ever wondered about the apostles in the Gospels? Like who they actually were, where they came from, and how they got to be some of the most famous people in the world known for their roles in Scripture and their relationships with Jesus. In the beginning of Luke 5, we get a glimpse into who the most famous apostle, Simon Peter, was and how he became a follower of Jesus.

Peter first enters the story as the owner of the fisherman boat that Jesus performed the miraculous catch on. At first when Peter meets Jesus, he refers to him as “master” (5:5). This word, in Greek, demonstrates someone like an elder, so someone with respect… but Peter doesn’t quite understand who Jesus is yet. However, after Jesus performs the miraculous catch, filling the nets with so many fish that they were bursting, Peter begins to understand. Perhaps Jesus answered a prayer to just catch one fish to feed themselves, or perhaps Jesus had done something that had never been done before. At the miracle, Peter was awestruck; he was amazed, and he fell to his knees. Peter’s heart had been prepared for this miracle because immediately after witnessing it, Peter begins to refer to Jesus as “Lord” (5:8).

Peter immediately recognizes that he is not worthy to be in a relationship with or in proximity to Jesus. He reminds Jesus who he is, a sinner, someone who is unworthy. However, Jesus did not need reminding because throughout Jesus’ ministry, we see that Jesus does not depart from sinners, but draws closer into intimate relationships with them.

As soon as the men returned to land, they left everything, and they followed Jesus. This is the moment when we witness Peter become an apostle. Along with Peter, we are challenged with the same mission. As Christians, we are to follow Jesus with the same commitment. However, while our journey and our path may vary from one another – the mission is the same for all of us.  

Questions for reflection:

  1. Take a moment to dream about what it would look like for the men to drop everything and follow Jesus.
  2. What is the mission that the apostles received and that we also receive today? How do you live this out?