What makes you cheerful?

Maybe it’s a great cup of coffee with a friend. It could be walking into the house, smelling the chocolate chip cookies that just came out of the oven. It might even be crossing off the last thing on your to-do list.

Was giving on your list of what makes you cheerful?

To be honest, giving doesn’t immediately make the top 10 of my “what makes me cheerful” list, especially when I’m feeling pressured to give to a cause that I don’t have much stake in. The exception is when the Girl Scouts come calling – I’m happy to give to the cause that rewards with Thin Mints!

Too often we give because we’re made to feel guilty, or the pressure tactics are so effective we give grudgingly or more than we really wanted to offer. That’s not God’s heart – it never has been. All the way back in Deuteronomy, God tells the Israelites that when they give, they should not have a stingy heart (Deuteronomy 15:10). What matters to God is the attitude we have when we give. It is better to give a small amount with a heart filled with gratitude than a large amount with a heart that makes Scrooge look joyful!

Paul lays this out very clearly in 2 Corinthians. We are to give as we feel led by God, not because some super salesperson or marketer knew how to push our buttons. The only person we should be discussing our giving with is God (and our spouse, if we have one!). We are to be happy to share what we have, not reluctant or hesitant. If we’re listening to God, the amount won’t be too much or too little, but exactly what is best for you and your family and your faith.

You don’t have to be cheerful for God to love you, but if you are able to give cheerfully, your relationship with God will be strengthened!

And that’s ultimately what this entire campaign is about – strengthening our relationship with the God who already loves us and sharing that love with the world around us!

Heavenly Father, I want to be a cheerful giver because you cheerfully give me everything I need. Touch my heart with your love and teach me to be your hands and feet in the world, joyfully sharing with the world around me. Amen.