I just finished binge-watching a show. For the third time. There’s nothing like the little “next episode” button that shows up during the credits. It leaves you in quite the conundrum. Do I go on with the responsibilities of life, or just watch “one more”?
That “just one more episode” thing can be quite dangerous, given that one more usually turns into three or 10 more, and the next thing you know, the season is over.
Matthew 28 feels like it plays out as a string of episodes in a series. If I were to name these episodes, which would be a cool job, I would start with this …
Episode 1: Angels and Earthquakes. This picks up from last season, all about the crucifixion of Jesus (talk about a cliffhanger) to the tomb being shaken open by an earthquake, and the angels rolling away the stone and telling Mary and Mary to go tell the other disciples what they saw. Next episode? *click.
Episode 2: Miracles and Cover-Ups. The story gains momentum when the risen Jesus appears to the women just like the angel did and again tells them to go tell the disciples to meet him in Galilee. Meanwhile, a plot to cover up the resurrection spreads in an attempt to prevent word getting out that Jesus is alive. Next episode? *click!
Episode 3-Season Finale: Reunions and Commissions. Jesus is reunited with the disciples, where some worship, some need convincing, but all are given the command to go and spread the word that Jesus is alive and make more disciples in his name.
That’s a lot packed into one chapter, and all the events support the bigger picture: Jesus is alive, he is risen from the dead, and whoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life (spoiler alert from the upcoming John series).
This is the greatest story ever told. So be sure to keep clicking that next episode button. It’s a binge-worthy show!